Hello NAVHDA family!

Hope you are ready for training this weekend! I know our pups are! Be there early to beat the heat! 7am will be great! Bring your bird bag, distributing your birds right after the morning meeting and at 1130 for those that did not get in the morning.  We will plan on completing our weekend Sunday 2pm.

The FPC BOD recognizes that there are more COVID-19 cases in Florida. We are going to follow our state’s regulations and remain open, but utilizing and promoting use of CDC Guidelines. I am sure you are all familiar with them, but make sure you are washing your hands, utilizing social distancing during the event and face coverings if social distancing cannot be achieved. Just a reminder not all dogs are familiar with face coverings and can often react different to strangers or perceived strangers then normal if you choose to wear one. Please take extra precautions that they are comfortable.

*We also ask that members that have tested positive for COVID do not attend training until after you have re- tested negative or met the following criteria:

  1. At least 10 days since first symptoms
  2. At least 72 hours since improvement of respiratory symptoms
  3. At least 72 hours with no fever 9 (and no fever reducing medications)
  4. At least 72 hours since resolution of other COVID symptoms

*We request that members who have symptoms of COVID not attend training until after they have been free of the symptoms for fourteen days

*Wear a mask when training in close proximity to other handlers

        • Around the training table
        • When grouped at the puppy pond
        • Assisting with retrieval of birds
        • Etc.


*Social distance when training lends itself to distancing

        • Field training
        • Blind retrieve
        • Steadiness by the blind
        • Tracking
        • Retrieve of dragged game

We are a volunteer organization so we do feel that at the end of the day we are all responsible for ourselves.

We will have quail and ducks this weekend. Please go to the club’s store and order your birds for this weekend.

Please help out our volunteers this weekend with set up and take down, we will be shorthanded this weekend.  Most of all have fun! Our dogs deserve it! I hope to see you all Sunday, my mom had a stroke so cannot make it Saturday but hoping for Sunday.


